What is MoodPrism?
MoodPrism is a smartphone app designed by psychologists to raise awareness of emotional health. Individuals can use it to learn more about themselves and improve their wellbeing. Organisations or schools can use it to support the emotional health of their community, staff or students.
“How are you feeling today?”
The psychological benefits of being asked this question are well documented. MoodPrism asks you a few short scientifically validated questions every day to help you accurately record your mood state.
Simply asking these questions can help users get in touch with how they feel, both consciously and unconsciously. Bringing awareness to how you feel can help you make better decisions, boost your mental health, and lead to a more fulfilling life.
MoodPrism creates an attractive, colourful, intuitive, and interactive mood diary to track your moods over time. You can view your mood diary up close, looking at the individual days and events that may have led up to your mood state, or zoom out to get a broader picture of your mood over weeks. The app is also full of suggestions of where to find more information about mental health and well-being.
Importantly, if you are feeling consistently low or depressed, the app will prompt you to seek help and suggest places to find reliable mental health information. This will help vulnerable users find support early on, preventing decline into mental illness.
We all have mental health.
We all have ups and downs and it’s important that we take care of ourselves.
The features of MoodPrism will help people of any background get better in touch with themselves. This can help people have more ups and fewer downs, ultimately leading to better mental health, less chance of depression and anxiety, and greater psychological flourishing.